Rose bud Story

2 minute read

Once there was a little rose bud. A little pink rose bud. She was so cute. she lived in a small house. It was under the ground. one day she was sitting in her house. 

Suddenly she heard a sound. Tap tap tap on the door. “who is that?”she asked. “Its me the rain drop “. “I want to come in please open the door” in soft little voice it answered . “No you can’t come in I wont let you come in” The pink rose bud said. Then it was silent for some time. After two minutes she heard the same sound again but this time not on the door but on the window. Tap tap tap tap ..... ‘who is that?” little rose bud asked. “Oh its me the rain drop i want to come in please open the door” said in a soft little voice. “No you cant come in i wont let you come in’ said the little pink rose bud. 

Then it was silent for some time. Rose bud thought oh no sound... the rain has gone. But after some time she heard another sound Rustle rustle rustle on the door. “Oh who is that?” little rose bud asked . “Its me the sun shine I want to come in please open the door” a soft little voice said. “No you cant come in i wont let you come in “said little pink rose bud. Then again it was silent for some time. After two minutes she heard the same sound again . But this time not on the door but on the chimney hole. Rustle rustle rustle “oh who is that?” little pink rose bud asked . “its me the sunshine i want to come in please open the door” The sunshine said. “No you cant come in i wont let you in” little pink rose bud said. 

Then there is silence for along time. After some time she heard two sounds together Tap tap tap and Rustle..Rustle...rustle.”oh who is that?” little pink rose bud asked. “Its us” said the sunshine and the raindrop. “We want to come in ...we want to come in..”said the two little voices. “oh dear two of you together! then i will let you come in.“ so little pink rose bud opened the door and they came in. The raindrop took her one little hand and the sunshine took her other little hand and they ran ran ran with her...ran up to the ground then the raindrop and sunshine said. “Look up and see.” so the pink rose bud looked up “ wow” she couldn't believe her eyes! .She was in the midst of the garden. There were many flowers like her but she was the most beautiful flower there. Everyone smiled at her. All the friends in the garden welcomed her.

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